3VCF State of Giving Gathering
In honor of Giving Tuesday, Three Valleys Community Foundation (3VCF) will present an annual report on giving and the State of Philanthropy in our Three Valleys region.
During this early evening gathering, guests will be treated to a complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres reception, followed by a program featuring a special keynote speaker, music and video montage to honor donors and corporations who have invested in our community.
The highlight of the evening is the awarding of 3VCF’s 2023 Impact Grants to qualified nonprofits in support of Mental Health and Wellness.
Community Impact Grants in 2023 are focused on Mental Health. Part of the funding for this grant comes from the Danville Area Chamber of Commerce Youth Mental Health Outreach Initiative.

Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM PST
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